Monday, April 9, 2012

Promotion Tip: Search Engine Optimization - A 10 Step Program

by Christine Churchill
Keynote NetMechanic

April 2002
(Part 2)
Vol. 5, No. 8
• Promotion Tip
• Design Tip
• Beginner Tip
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Proper search engine optimization is a process involving several distinct steps. We'll walk you through the steps a professional search engine optimizer (SEO) follows when reviewing a site before starting an optimization campaign. discount code
Step One - Visual Review of Page.

Make sure the page looks professional, has usable navigation and is complete. Search engine spiders may grade your site, but you need to appeal to directory editors and human visitors too!

Include good quality content on the page. It increases the value of your site to both humans and search engine spiders. Good content will place your site in the top of the rankings.

Step Two - Look For Spider Traps.

A spider trap is anything that would prevent a spider from crawling your page or site. If a spider can't crawl through your site, the site won't get indexed. Part of the SEO's job is to look over a site and identify anything that could potentially hurt the site in the search engines.

Also check your page for anything that might be considered spam by a search engine. Most spam is accidental, but it will get you banned just as quickly as intentional spam. Page Primer alerts you to techniques that may be considered spam by search engines.

Step Three- Review Your Keyword Selection.

Keyword selection is the most important step in optimizing a page for the search engines - and where most people (even professionals) make mistakes. You can get all the top ten rankings in the world with unusual keywords, but you won't see any traffic unless people actually type them in as search terms.

Use a good keyword popularity tool to find out how popular your keywords are. Compare different keywords and see how they rate in popularity before you select the ones for your site.

Make sure your keywords are appropriate for your site and limit the number of keywords per page. Too many dilute your relevancy score.

For more about keywords, see our newsletter story on keyword selection.

Step Four - Get a baseline reading on where your site currently stands in the search engines.

Enter your keyword into a search engine. Does your site come up? Where does it rank? This can be a tedious task if you're checking multiple engines. Consider using a tracking tool like Search Engine Tracker to quickly check multiple engines and directories at once.

Need to improve your ranking? Steps five and six will get you started.

Step Five - View the HTML source code.

It's back to the basics. If you don't do the fundamentals correctly, advanced tricks won't help you much. Look at the keywords you've selected and make sure they're in the strategic places where search engines look. At a minimum, keywords should be in:

Title tag
Meta description and keyword tags
Alt tags
Heading tags
Comment tags
Prominent positions throughout the body.

Optimize every important page in your site! Visitors may enter from any page indexed by a search engine spider, not just the home page.

Step Six - Check the link popularity.

Link popularity is important because every major search engine uses it to rank sites. Our link popularity story contains tips to increase your site's link popularity score.

Page Primer, included in Search Engine Power Pack, gives you the link popularity as part of its page review. In many engines you can type: link:http://domain-name and you can get a link count for that particular engine.

Step Seven - Submission to search engines.

If you have prepared your site and followed the steps above, you're ready to either submit for the first time or resubmit your optimized site.

Using an automated submission tool will save you a lot of time and headaches. Search Engine Starter, included in Search Engine Power Pack, allows you to submit any page in your Web site to your choice of 100 search engines.

Most people think they can submit one day and the spider will come the next day. There may be a considerable a lag time from when you submit your site to when the spider actually visits. This can be anywhere from a week to a few months depending on the search engine.

Step Eight - Hand submission to directories.

Always hand submit to directories! Avoid automated submission tools that claim to submit to directories: they rarely submit to the proper category, so directory editors will just ignore your site. Our primer on directory submissions helps get you started and our story on automated versus hand submission gives you complete directory submission instructions.

Step Nine - Maintenance Stage.

Search engine optimization is definitely not a "do it once and forget" activity. You must continually track and adjust your pages. The rules change constantly, so techniques that worked great last year could get you banned this month.

Search Engine Tracker automates the tracking process and give you quick feedback about changes your make to your site. In a highly competitive market, you have to continually work at optimization.

Page Primer evaluates your page for optimization. It scans your page checking all the important sections to make sure you haven't made any critical blunders.

Step Ten - Track traffic to your site.

People assume a top ranking automatically means high traffic. But high rankings only bring traffic if the rankings are for good keywords. If you've done all your optimization around "yummy orange cakes" and nobody enters that in a search you won't get any traffic.

Increased traffic is the real result of a successful optimization process, not a top ten ranking. If you're not seeing a jump in your traffic, you need to re-evaluate your keywords and cycle back through the optimization cycle.

Use a good log file analysis program to determine which search engines and search terms are bringing you the most visitors.

Search engine optimization is a multi-step continual process. It's not cheating; it's helping search engines do their job more efficiently. Optimization takes a lot of time and patience. Don't get discouraged: search engine optimization pays for itself in increased revenue. It is worth the time and trouble.

Note: This newsletter is a condensed version of an article written for the Search Engine Strategies Conference. To read the more detailed version, go to the full optimization article.

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Next to Last Step — Start Again — This Never Ends!

Go to Step 1 and start over — this never ends. We will be adding steps and additional search engine optimization tools to this page in the future. You will want to visit this site frequently to make sure that you remain ranked where you need to be.
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Organic search engine optimization and better SEO rankings, although great, are not enough. There are many people who are too new to the Web and do not know how to find a search engine, let alone how to use one. To many, the Internet is e-mail and nothing more. You still need to consider the other forms of placement as discussed on our Internet Marketing Strategy and Philosophy page.

Want an assessment of your site or a price quote? Please consider having us help you with your Web site's search engine marketing projects. If you would like a site assessments of your site or a price quote for our SEO optimization services, please contact us. Yes, we offer a few free SEO tips, but there are many things needing repair and tuning on an average website. We can customize our project and thus rates to fit your needs, but you should visit our Rates Page for general guidelines. Rates are competitive.

This site contains free advice that you need to use for higher keyword ranking results, although there are many other reference sites available. Do yourself a BIG favor and visit Search Engine Watch site on this topic.

The advice within this site is free to all who want it. However, we regularly get requests from businesses to present a site specific Webmaster Site Placement Course. This allows webmasters to have focused classroom SEO training based upon their existing site design, where the course is customized around their specific needs. Such hands-on real-world training is invaluable to businesses that want to win. Another option for your team would be to order the latest Search Engine Optimization Reference For Dummies book, which Bruce co-authored. Visit the SEO Reference For Dummies page to learn more about the book and read reviews of it.

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Step 8 - How To Do Link Building

Link tracking allows you to identify and choose possible sites that you will want as link partners once your site is content-rich and optimized. If these sites link to your competition, then you want them to also link to you. This is also done so that these potential link partners can be checked for Meta keywords that might be related to your site and that were missed by your competition. Who links to your competition may be a great indicator of the community that contributes to the ranking for your visitors as well. Add these URLs to the URL list from Step 1 that is used in Step 2. You might also try putting the http:// address in quotes and using Google.
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SEO Tip: The number and authority of links to your site are factors in determining how well your site will rank with some search engines. Popularity is often measured by gauging PageRank associated with a particular keyword phrase, and impacts the ranking your site might have. You will want to begin to develop links as soon as possible, but we recommend that you add Engagement Objects and keywords before aggressively going after links from others.
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Try our two links tools:
Your URL:
Your URL:

On the subject of link popularity — we consider links vital to long-term natural search engine optimization and ranking. The objective is this: if you get a site to link to you, then you gain PageRank popularity points. If that site has a lot of quality sites linking to it and it links to you, you get a lot more points, but if that site has few quality sites linking to it, you get only a few points. As such, for SEO ranking purposes a link from a major site in your industry with a high PageRank would be worth more than a link from, provided that both had content similar to yours. In essence, if enough quality sites link to you, then your site becomes a quality site by association. So you want the best sites, not the most, to link to you. Likewise, if you link to other quality sites, then your site is assumed to be a quality site by association. However, the sites must be covering the same topics as your linking page in both directions. All other links are of minimal importance (or in the case of spam, they may be ignored or even penalized). And do not bother to buy hundreds of URLs and cross-link them or buy into an advertising network. The search engines can identify them and filter them out faster than you can perform submission on these pages. At best, they are short-lived and rarely have a long-term SEO benefit.

SEO Tip: you do not want to join a link farm or use spam in any way. You do not want to purchase "junk ads" that look like links but are not worth very much. What you want are links from quality sites where their content is supplemental and synergistic to your own. The links should be within the main body of their page, and contain YOUR SEO selected keywords in the anchor text (within the link where visitors click). We offer reports and search engine marketing methodologies on this as well, but that is not the topic of this page.

Need More SEO Optimization Information About Inbound Linking? - Link Popularity
Now the Other Stuff

This is a restated and clearer translation of a Google quote that we received a while back. We have made it "modern" in response to a forum thread request, so it is obviously no longer a quote but simply our interpretation of the quote. It says a lot about the Google desire to avoid deception and "hidden" code. To be well ranked in all major search engines you should avoid all hidden links, hidden text and cloaking, as these are usually forms of deception. Most search engines prefer that their spiders get the identical page that users get. In general, you can assume that most search engines are as conservative as possible. Avoid hidden links or text in divs/layers/iframes/CSS, and avoid links that are inconspicuous, as examples. Similarly, cloaking or sneaky redirects in any form, whether they be user agent/IP-based or redirects through JavaScript, meta refreshes, 302s or frames, frequently result in ranking penalties.
SEO Cloaking Checker
SEOToolSet® Page Cloaking Report

If you cannot tell if you have violated these rules, we recommend professional SEO help.

TIME FOR SEO TRAINING? — If you have followed the above steps correctly, and if you do not have good search engine rankings yet, then we recommend our classroom SEO training course or SEO services to go the final mile. We have given you what we could for the average SEO on the average project, and then some. But you may have something more difficult. Call us ... we can help: 866-517-1900. You may also want to check out the Search Engine Optimization All-in-One for Dummies. Bruce co-authored this latest SEO For Dummies guide and it is now available for pre-order on

Need More Information? - Read about Link Popularity.

Server issues — You need a FAST, clean server. We recommend that you use a dedicated IP for your site only because that usually means that you will not be on a crowded or slow server, since that causes the spider to visit fewer pages (they do not want to crash your server). A slow server diminishes the number of indexed pages, thus cutting into your ability to have a broad theme. This in turn hurts your ranking.

small copyscape ribbon graphic Finding Plagiarism — WOW! Great tool! Copyscape provides a free plagiarism detection service that lets people easily search for plagiarism online and identify instances of content theft. You can use Copyscape to find sites that have copied your content without permission, as well as those that are quoting your site. Simply type in the URL of your original content, and Copyscape does the rest.
Your Page

Blogging for SEO — The art of blogging has been around for decades, but many businesses are just starting to realize the true impact blogs can have on their SEO optimization campaigns. The result: business-related blogs are popping up everywhere, proving to be a very marketable and valuable SEO tool.

Advanced Search Operators — Search engines find what you tell them to search for. A typical search will often return too many results or even results that are not relevant to the subject at hand. Therefore, search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft Bing came up with tools to narrow the search to obtain the specific information being requested. They have also created several search commands that are very useful for SEO experts as well as searchers who want very specific information. These tools are called Advanced Search Operators and Combined Searches.

SEO Training — We offer a classroom SEO training course as well as our SEO tools so that you can better optimize your sites. If you are at all interested in learning SEO, and especially if you want a great SEO education, please visit our SEOToolSet site and review our SEO training classes. You will not be sorry!
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Bookmark this page and come back often! When you are ready, contact us for a FREE quote on search engine marketing services.

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Step 7 - How to Check Your Search Engine Ranking

It may take a few weeks for accepted search engine submissions to actually become effective with the major search engines. In some cases, it may take several submissions before you get registered. Considering that the Web is growing at an exceptional rate, it is a wonder that any search engine can keep up at all. Keep trying to get indexed. Visit the search engine that you care about most and see if you are registered by searching for your URL. SEO Tip: If you have our SEMToolBar, it will report the date your site was last spidered (cached date) on your results page. Your ratings will improve with time under our SEO optimization methodology.
There is a very specialized high-tech market for search engine marketing tools that convert raw data into SEO intellectual capital that you can actually use. There is a clear difference between data and wisdom, and that SEO wisdom is learned. Education is key. It is hard to have a great product, and those that do must charge for their tools in order to pay for the effort. The power of search engine optimization tools justifies the fee, so we recommend that you visit our SEOToolSet®. Our SEO tools (there are many) are straightforward, and the reports are easy to understand. If you like the free search engine advice in the visitor versions (under "Free Tools"), there is a much more powerful set of SEO tools available on a subscription basis. These tools are very fast and powerful, and they are recommended. But then, we are biased.

Once you have your SEO ranking results, you can easily identify where you need to go back and resubmit your site and fine-tune your keywords. Hopefully you will be placed at or near the top of your search results page.

MANY people are concerned about their Google rankings, and cannot seem to see any significant change in rankings when they change things (optimize pages) in significant ways. We believe that the changes do matter and are causing ranking changes, but users simply cannot see them. In most cases, if you do a query for a keyword, Google will calculate the sequence of pages in the results list based upon the algorithm and then filter the results so that not more than two pages are shown from the same site. In other words, if a site ranks for all of your keywords in the top ten results, two will show and eight will be suppressed. So if you are shown in the Google results as number three, are you really number three or are you really number eleven? Google will also resequence results to present two pages that would appear on the same results page in sequence (an indented result) even if they are not naturally in sequence. Sites with a page in position one and another in position ten will find Google resequencing the results to be number one with an indented number two, where that number two result is actually in position ten. This means that the real number two page will be in position three.

In some cases the keywords are highly competitive, and the top positions are commonly held by different domains. In such cases the listed pages seldom see duplications. In other cases there are dominant sites. Do a query for the keyword "cisco" and see how many pages are from the same site!

I get ok search engine placement, but it could be a lot better. A lot better would mean more prospects and more sales. At this time, I'm at a crossroads of sorts. I've completely redesigned my Web site for the first time in over two years. The new site is ready to go live, but my greatest fear is that my search engine visibility and rankings will go down as a result of the changes to the site.

You don't have to sell me on the value of a consultant's time. I've done my share of consulting. My company is very small. In fact, right now I'm the only full-time employee. So although I could buy some site registration software, or manually follow the steps you outline on this site, I simply don't have the time and am not interested in experiencing the learning curve.

For your typical consulting fee, I could take out a half-page ad in a national trade magazine that would run one time and be quickly forgotten. Obviously, that would be a complete waste of money, unless I ran the ad every month or two, which I cannot afford.

I think that using the services you offer will provide the most bang for the buck and, I hope, the greatest probability of meeting my need for better search engine success. I am ready to spend money to get this accomplished immediately, so please contact me ASAP.
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Step 6 - Consider Community, Intent, and Engagement Objects™

There have recently been several important developments in the search engine optimization world that will significantly impact your SEO optimization efforts. The major issues are a result of changing technology in the area of behavior-based search, intent-based search and blended search (like Google Universal). These technologies collectively impact search engine marketing and SEO in significant ways.
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Behavior-based Search — This is the tailoring of search results based upon the behavior of the searcher. If I search for "java," the search results are tailored based upon my search history for either programming, beverages or travel. And if I am into travel, the search results are biased by my interest in certain types of travel activities (such as scuba, fishing or sailing). This means that a given number of people searching for the same information will likely see different rankings or results pages. This mandates that the SEO keyword selection process consider the behavior and the community of the searcher in the overall keyword selection process. To accommodate behavior-based searching, SEOs should use keywords on the site that are common to their target audience.

Intent-based Search — This is the determination of the searcher's intent, categorized as commerce (shopping) or research. Certain SEO project phrases are obviously for research, and the sites do not need to be physically local to the searcher. In such cases, the most relevant sites can be located anywhere. But if the intent is shopping, or appears to be urgent, then local results are presented. Even without a Google sign-in, results are often targeted based upon the IP location of the searcher, and local results are given precedence. As such, sometimes a searcher from New York will see different results than a searcher in Los Angeles for the same query. In this case the SEO should use keywords on the site that are local to their target audience.

Blended Search — This is where Engagement Objects impact search. There are many items that can be added to a Web site. One job of the search engine optimization and Web design team is to mingle video, MP3 sound files, images, maps, blogs, news and books within the Web site. The search engines want to improve the engagement of the searcher with the resulting sites, and enhanced interaction requires the inclusion of what we have coined as Engagement Objects™. We believe that without these objects in exactly the right formats, your site will not rank as high as your competitors who engage their visitors. Those more engaging sites are expected to rank higher in the search results.

We have a search engine marketing tool we call Johnny Buttons™ that allows you to install the video buttons like the ones we have on this site. The code can be downloaded from the Engagement Objects™ section and installed onto your site without technical confusion. The download (coming soon) contains all you need to make it work for you.

Once you identify opportunities to add Engagement Objects to your site, be sure to use SEO optimization selected keywords just as you would in any other content. It will contribute to content structure and theme, and it will certainly aid engagement. Adding Engagement Objects is a part of the SEO process and should be done.

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Step 5 - How to Submit to Search Engines

Once the same words are in your Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords tags, and also in other text (Headings and ALT attributes) and displayed content, and you are satisfied with your results, then, and only then, is it appropriate to submit your URLs to each major search engine. For search engine submission to just the top few search engines, you may use our URL ADD page with links to the add pages of the major search engines.

Allow two days to four weeks for each search engine submission to be indexed in each major search engine. If you do not show up (as is common), then resubmit. If you continue to miss the search engine ranking results you desire, then go back and review your keyword usage, either increasing or decreasing the keyword frequency until you have the desired results. If you desire search engine placement services to maintain your site and expand your search engine coverage, we provide a tutorial on our Internet Marketing Services page.

Need more information on the Submission process? Please visit our SEO site submission and submission discussion pages.

Need more information on the Yahoo! Directory and its effect on search engine optimization? - Yahoo! Directory

Download the SEMToolBar™

Download the SEMToolBar

We strongly recommend that you install our toolbar (click the image above). The SEMToolBar™ was designed by SEOs for SEOs. It offers the important data you need, without all of the data that does not matter. Many search engine optimization toolbars give too much data, and while that would be easy to present, we chose to focus on what matters. If you also are a subscriber to the SEOToolSet (i.e., you have a valid subscription and login), then the SEMToolBar converts to a launch mechanism for the selected tools, putting the full power of the search engine marketing tools at your browser fingertips. The tools support many languages (more than 20), and offer information not found elsewhere, including proxy searches, customized search interfaces, search result annotation, highlighting, demographic data, page statistics, etc. And best of all, it is FREE!

For more information on the features and benefits of the SEMToolBar™, please visit

Download the Hide Google Options browser plugin

Download the Hide Google Options!

The Hide Google Options browser plugin allows you to take control of your Google search results page by keeping the Google "Options" panel as an elective feature.

Google's new user interface (UI) released in May 2010 produces a three-panel search results page. This interface shows the Options pane as a permanent fixture on the left-hand side of the screen.

Historically, Google's options pane was enabled by using a + box labeled "Show options" at the top of the page, so the user could show or hide the left-hand options at will. Once downloaded, our Hide Google Options plug-in ensures the options pane remains a choice for users. Click the small icon in the corner of your browser window to alternately show or hide the options shown in the left-hand pane of Google search results.

(Sorry, for technical reasons no IE version can be offered.)

If you would like to restore your Google results page back to its original two-column display, you can! The Hide Google Options plug-in lets you remove the Google sidebar from view or let it show, as you choose. Download versions are available for the Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

Hide Google Options For Mozilla Firefox: Download

Hide Google Options For Google Chrome: Download

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Step 4 - How to Add Your Keywords to the Content

You are about to discover your real issue — you have insufficient or weak content. It takes a lot of words to convince colleagues and the search engines that you are a subject matter expert. Also, most sites do not use video and proper images (some of the Engagement Objects) to relay their messages to humans and search engines, but we are now discovering that search engines are not totally blind to video and images. It is very likely that you do not have a sufficient number of Engagement Objects on your pages. Or the site content may come from a database, and the database has little unique content. Or the site accepts feeds from other expert sites, but this makes all of its content someone else's, and it either gets no credit for it or is penalized for duplicate content. In any case, the design and content of your Web site may very well need to be restructured and expanded. [If this does not describe you, buy yourself a drink — you have earned it!] Avoid mistakes, use clean optimized video and graphics and do it right. Avoid pop-up windows, restrict the scope of forms except where really needed, make JavaScript and CSS files external to the source code, always have a natural amount of content, always use a site map, solve obvious problems first and by all means, keep it simple. Web page layout problems really hurt search engine marketing and SEO projects.

So where do you add keywords?? It is important that your page Title tag be as descriptive as possible of what the page is about, and that it contains your best keywords (generally fewer than 12). Listings that include the best search terms in the Title and Meta Description tags have a better search engine ranking and a higher click-through rate (often more than double the traffic) than those that do not! Use these keywords to make up your search engine optimization targets. Also, review your content to add these keywords, especially two- and three-word phrases, into the content without losing the message. This is important for a search engine that does not reference Meta tags. You want to use these phrases time and time again without spamming. Some search engines take site descriptions from within the page, not from the Meta Description fields. Such a search engine will exclude some appropriate keywords unless you use them throughout your content. And try to keep the Title and Description tags as short as possible to prevent you from diluting the keyword impact.

There has been a lot of discussion about the continued use of Meta tags. Meta tags (specifically the major Head section tags) in our opinion are important to search engine optimization. What is not known is what is meant when it is said that search engines "ignore" a Meta tag. Our research shows that they are not ignored, and that they actually do count. It is commonly known that the Title is vital and that the Description is often used as an abstract, but it is often thought that the Keywords tag is ignored. Knowing the history of spammer abuse for these tags, it would not be surprising to find them of lesser importance than before, and that words are ignored if and only if they do not appear in the content of the page — but they count if they are also found in the content. Is selectively ignoring words the same as "ignoring" them altogether? And if you were a search engine, wouldn't you tell spammers not to bother?

Even if tags are ignored today, it only takes a few minutes to do it right, you should never be penalized for having them (unless you're a spammer), and not all engines will ignore them. Even if they do ignore them, they may not forever. You can never go wrong by using META tags, and you will only hurt yourself if you don't use them.

You must also unconditionally, absolutely, positively have your best keywords (and certainly sufficient content containing them) throughout your body section. For research-oriented content we recommend that you have at least 500 words of clean, grammatically correct sentence-structure content on every page. For shopping-oriented sites the content is commonly on shorter pages, so we recommend 250 words in these cases. You must also have your keywords appear as the most prominent (without excess) phrases on your pages. In many cases there are ways to do this that work well for whatever your page format or content, all of which is customized to the look-and-feel of the site and the nature of the content.

And you also need to link your own pages together. Use the keywords appropriate for the content of the landing page in the anchor text of the sending page. This is a must — use text links within paragraphs when possible, especially when the pages are related. If the topics are not related, then use image links so the search engines do not see the text and get confused.

And never, ever create doorway pages, or information pages, or hallway pages, or similar pages as they are called today Spam by any other name is still spam. If you cannot make the real page into a subject matter expert, then hire someone who can. But do not try to make a pig fly!

Some search engines will allow you to submit (to replace or add a page to the index) a URL as often as you like and usually enable your changes to become live quickly (faster than on other search engines), so use the search engine with the fastest indexing process to "debug" your keywords and search engine optimization tactics. With the addition of XML Sitemaps, spidering is even easier, but you MUST still have crawable site maps. Unfortunately manual page submission spider frequency varies, so you might need to submit pages to all major engines, but certainly not to all 200+ search engines. It is important to understand that the time it takes for a search engine to actually respond to a submission and to place you into their index varies greatly from day to day. Search engine indexing was once a matter of hours, and now is often mixed from days to weeks. You would be wise to consider submission to other engines as well, to cover your bases. How search engines work is a wondrous thing, and every engine is different.

Once you have selected your best keywords, add the main words to your Title string, your Meta Description string, your Meta Keywords string, ALT attributes (image tag parameter), body Heading tags (such as

) and especially embed them into your displayed content. Try to use as many keywords as you can in a natural and grammatically correct way in your opening sentences, since this sets the topic for the page and contributes to the theme of the site.

Keyword tuning for a search engine marketing campaign is an iterative loop; you keep doing it until you rank reasonably well on several search engines. At that point you at least have the right words and a reasonable Meta Keywords tag. But some search engines use different strings to determine keywords, and their algorithms downplay or ignore Meta tags. These search engines extract keywords from the content on your page, so you need to place your best search words throughout the displayed content for your page. An example (grossly oversimplified) would be:






Note: If you are not "programming" the design of your own Web site and are not familiar with how to add HTML code, please contact your Web designer and request that they add these commands.

Single Page Analyzer

We have a Page Analyzer that is part of our SEOToolSet search engine optimization tools that lists the top keywords plus all words used in your Meta tags. This report presents the density for each word in the various categories: Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, ALT attributes, Heading levels, and two categories for body copy. Following our specified SEO optimization methodology, you would review these reports and Web pages to see what you need to change or add to your pages. In the Page Analyzer, red and blue colors are "bad."
Your URL:
View Page Source
This tool allows you to view the source code of any available file on the web.


SEO Tip: Some engines process ALT attribute text for your images as keyword text as long as you do not spam these areas. Carefully reword your keyword list to read as sentences, and place them in the ALT attributes of your image tags as appropriate to the image and page. Do not stuff keywords into ALT attributes; they should be short and to the point.

Placing the keywords in the right spots with reasonable frequency is critical for search engine optimization, but there is much more ... you want your content to be the best it can be, and then just maybe you will be considered relevant. Subject matter experts always do better than rambling text with randomly inserted keywords. Yes, you need the keywords, but you also need to be worthy.

This would also be a good time to perform a last minute check on the "spider-ability" of your site, and to detect any redirects or other issues that may prevent your site from being well ranked. Try our Check Server Page Tool:
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